Sunday, July 1, 2007

Kaun Banega Rashtra-Pati/Patni

As you might have rightly guessed this one's dedicated to the lady who's most likely to win the much hyped "Race to the Raisina Hill"(I wonder how the News channels always manage to find attractive alliterations for their headlines!).

When one gets teemed up with the musical junta singing their throats out on every other TV channel(no doubt the judges always prove to be more entertaining...), the news channels are the final resort. Thus being largely influenced by the hourly dose of the same recipe I am writing this one on "Kaun Banega Rashtrapati"(another of those famous taglines...which actually appears to be more of a the title of this blog suggests).

So lets meet the contestants! ( actually I feel like calling everyone a contestant nowadays thanks to the talent show hangover)...or I should better call them candidates, which is more politically correct (pun intended ;) )...Madam Pratibha Patil and BJP's independent candidate Mr. Shekhawat.

Ms. Patil who's riding high with Sonia asking one and all to support her so that we can have a lady first citizen perhaps she needs to shout a bit louder coz everyone seems to be aware of the fact that Ms. Patil's name popped up out of nowhere to serve as a compromise formula and what gave her the edge was the loyalty coefficient.

Confronting her is our current VP in Shekhawat, who's quite assured of something unexpected happening and thereby improvising his present portfolio. Unexpected coz the numbers quite clearly suggest this time we'll see a lady in command of the Armed forces.

So without sounding very much like a news channel myself, I'd like to conclude this one. This time the presidential election promises to be a lot more interesting than usual lack-luster affair, of course it would take some more time for our contestants to generate interests comparable to their American counterparts...but I guess its all a matter of the stakes is a mere rubber stamp, the other has his(or perhaps "her" seems to be a better pronoun here too for obvious reasons) stamp running all over.

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